3 Random Number Generator (RNG)   

3.2Random Number Generation
3.3Mechanically Based RNG Games
3.4Mechanical Ball Mixing Method
3.5Scaling Algorithms
3.6Randomisation with Varying Class Size
3.7Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards June 2017 

3.1 Background   


The Gambling Act 2005 (‘the Act’) gives the Gambling Commission (‘the Commission’), as part of its statutory role, the power to attach conditions to operating licences about equipment used in connection with gambling activities (section 85). In addition, the Commission has the power to set technical standards for remote gambling systems (including software) (section 89). Appropriate conditions have been attached to non-remote and ancillary remote bingo operating licences. 


These technical requirements will regulate bingo equipment in two different situations: (a) equipment that is used on premises in Great Britain to provide bingo games to the public and (b) equipment used to provide such games in gambling premises by means of a remote communication system, where the provider is regulated by the Act. These requirements cover a variety of equipment including bingo tickets. They do not cover gaming machines. 

3.2 Random Number Generation  


Random number generation (and game results) must be ‘acceptably random’. 


‘Acceptably random’ means that it is possible to demonstrate with a high degree of confidence that the output of the random number generator (RNG) is random, through, for example, statistical analysis using generally accepted tests and methods of analysis. 


Random number generators should be capable of demonstrating the following qualities: 

a) the output from the RNG is uniformly distributed over the entire output range; 

b) the output is unpredictable, i.e. it is computationally infeasible to predict what the next number will be, given complete knowledge of the algorithm or hardware generating the sequence, and all previously generated numbers; 

c) random number generation does not reproduce the same output stream (cycle), and that two instances of a random number generator do not produce the same stream as each other; 

d) any forms of seeding (the process of initialising the random number generation process) and re-seeding used do not introduce predictability; 

e) any scaling applied to the random output complies with a) to d) above. 

3.3 Mechanically Based RNG Games   

Mechanically based RNG games of bingo are games that use physical events, not observable or controllable by the user, to seed a mathematical algorithm that generates the outcome of the game and must conform to the following rules: 

a) they must meet the requirements of Section B3.2.3; 

b) the mechanical pieces must be constructed of materials that prevent decomposition of any component over its lifetime (for example, a ball must not disintegrate); 

c) the properties of physical items used to generate the random outcome must not be altered. 

3.4 Mechanical Ball Mixing Method   

A mechanical device that uses air flow for mixing and randomly withdrawing balls to determine the letters, numbers or symbols to be used in a game of bingo must operate in the following manner: 

a) it must follow the rules for mechanically based RNG games; 

b) it must allow participants full view of the mixing action of the balls; 

c) it must not be possible to change the random placement of the balls at the exit receptacle of the device, except when the device is shut off. 

3.5 Scaling Algorithms 

If a random number with a range shorter than that provided by the RNG is required for some purpose within the gaming device, the method of re-scaling, (i.e. converting the number to the lower range), is to be designed in such a way that all numbers within the lower range are equally probable. 

3.6 Randomisation with Varying Class Size   

Where a game is played using a finite set of randomised outcomes, e.g. a set of bingo balls; each outcome within the set must initially be equally probable as set out in Section B3.2 to B3.5 above. However, it is accepted that as the finite set reduces in number, the outcome will become more predictable as the game progresses. 

3.7 Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards June 2017 


This document sets out the remote gambling and software technical standards detailed in sections RTS1 to RTS 14. Only sections RTS 3,4,5,7 and 10 refer to non-remote gaming. Please note that a test certificate is required for a RNG which can be obtained from the manufacturer.