8 Problem Gambling and Information on How to Gamble Responsibly  

8.1Information on How to Gamble Responsibly and Help for Problem Gamblers
8.2LCCP Self-Exclusion Code Provisions
8.3The Bingo Industry Self-Exclusion Scheme (BISES) General Overview

Licensing Objective: Protecting children and other vulnerable persons, from being harmed or exploited by gambling 

8.1 Introduction


All companies must be proactive in dealing with problem gambling. This is defined in the code provisions within this section. 


There are four code provisions regarding problem gambling and the availability of information and they oblige companies to: 

  1. Provide policies, procedures and training to target problem gambling 
  2. Commit funds to aid research, education and the treatment of problem gambling 
  3. Provide information on how to gamble responsibly and; 
  4. Provide details of sources of help for problem gamblers whether they are customers or employees. 

Three code provisions are Social Responsibility Codes and one is an Ordinary Code within the LCCP. 

Social Responsibility provision 3.1.1
Combating problem gambling

  1. Licensees must have and put into effect policies and procedures intended to promote socially responsible gambling including the specific policies and procedures required by the provisions of section 3 of this code.
  2. Licensees must make an annual financial contribution to one or more organisation(s) which between them research into the prevention and treatment of gambling-related harm, develop harm prevention approaches and identify and fund treatment to those harmed by gambling.

Many companies meet the requirements of section 2 by contributing to The Responsible Gambling Trust (RGT) which promotes a range of research and initiatives that fulfil these obligations. This is covered in section A10. 


The second Social Responsibility Code Provision states: 

Social Responsibility provision 3.3.1
Responsible gambling information

  1. Licensees must make information readily available to their customers on how to gamble responsibly and how to access information about, and help in respect of, problem gambling.
  2. The information must cover:
    a) any measures provided by the licensee to help individuals monitor or control their gambling, such as restricting the duration of a gambling session or the amount of money they can spend
    b) timers or other forms of reminders or ‘reality checks’ where available
    c) self-exclusion options
    d) information about the availability of further help or advice.
  3. The information must be directed to all customers whether or not licensees also make available material which is directed specifically at customers who may be ‘problem gamblers’.
  4. For gambling premises, information must be available in all areas where gambling facilities are provided and adjacent to ATMs. Information must be displayed prominently using methods appropriate to the size and layout of the premises. These methods may include the use of posters, the provision of information on gambling products, or the use of screens or other facilities in the gambling premises. Information must also be available in a form that may be taken away and may also be made available through the use of links to be accessed online or using smart technology. Licensees must take all reasonable steps to ensure that this information is also readily accessible in locations which enable the customer to obtain it discreetly.

Sections 1, 2 and 3 in the code above are detailed below and in 3.2, although codes 2a and 2b usually refer to additional features on Electronic Bingo Terminals (EBTs) or Gaming Machines. Manufacturers are working in these areas (particularly on server based machines) to provide software to permit customers to limit their spend and time spent gambling. 

Section 4 is self-explanatory in that the advice is specific about size, position and availability of information on how to gamble responsibly. Good practice for the use of poster messages would be to replicate the size of other marketing frames that are used for promotions or jackpot information (where used). Many companies either supply their own themed responsible gambling material and key messages, or use materials available from external organisations such as GamCare. 

Section 4 reflects the availability of new forms of technology through which to deliver and provide social responsibility messaging. 


The Ordinary Code Provision states: 

Ordinary code provision 3.3.2
Responsible gambling information – foreign languages

  1. Licensees should contribute to and participate in the development and effective implementation of multi-Licensees who market their services in one or more foreign languages should make available in that, or those, foreign languages:
    a) the information on how to gamble responsibly and access to help referred to above
    b) the players’ guides to any game, bet or lottery required to be made available to customers under provisions in this code
    c) the summary of the contractual terms on which gambling is offered, which is required to be provided to customers as a condition of the licensee’s operating licence.

The last Social Responsibility Code states: 

Social responsibility code provision 7.1.2
Responsible gambling information for staff 

  1. Licensees must take all reasonable steps to ensure that staff involved in the provision of facilities for gambling are made aware of advice on socially responsible gambling and of where to get confidential advice should their gambling become hard to control.

This covers responsible gambling information for staff. Companies are obliged to also provide their staff with this information. 

8.2 Company and Association Publications on Responsible Gambling 

Some bingo companies prepare their own customer information for problem gambling and present this information in a more branded, user-friendly way for customers to read. Other material and information is available from the various Responsible Gambling organisations. Links to various organisations will be found within the Resource Centre

8.3 Help and Information on Responsible Gambling 

As stated at 3.2 links to a number of organisations that provide help and assistance to those that may be At Risk or have a potential problem with their gambling may be found within the Resource Centre