Membership of The Bingo Association is open to all organisations directly involved in and/or interested in the licensed bingo industry in Great Britain. All applications for membership are considered by the Association’s Executive Council and are subject to conditions.
There are two grades of membership, Full and Associate. Only those directly engaged in the operational aspect of the bingo industry, and who have confirmed that they meet all current and relevant GB licensing requirements, may apply and be put forward to the Executive Council for consideration for Full Membership.
Associate Members provide products and/or services to the land-based bingo industry but are not bingo operators. For more information please visit our Associate Membership page.
Membership Benefits
Bingo Association membership provides access to a central source of industry information on all aspects of operation, regulation, tax and compliance. Other advantages include:
- FREE access to the BA Operators’ Handbook – a comprehensive digital guide and operational manual on everything bingo related. It is available to members online and accessible through the BA Self-Exclusion Tablet
- Participation in the Bingo Industry Self-Exclusion Scheme (BISES), a secure national database of individuals who have asked to be excluded from licensed bingo premises in Great Britain. Members are supplied with a complimentary android tablet pre-loaded with the self-exclusion software
- Access to the BA’s Age Verification Test Purchasing Scheme, which forms part of the LCCP requirements
- Lobbying and representation: an influential voice to speak up for the bingo industry, and the opportunity to help shape and drive the sector agenda
- Access to Alternative Dispute Resolution services provided by IBAS
- Information on the latest developments in the bingo and broader gambling industry
- Attend member networking events e.g. BA Annual Golf Day, BA Roadshows
- FREE subscription to Bingo Connect magazine
- Access to ALL website resources
- Access to special offers
Please click on the links below to download a PDF of the appropriate Membership Application Form. If you wish to discuss any aspect of your application for membership, or the associated costs and process, please e-mail:, or use one of the options detailed in the Contact Details section of this site.
Application for Membership –
Application for Membership –
High Street Bingo
Application for Membership –
Holiday Parks