June 2021

National Bingo Day 2021

27th June – It’s A date!

The first ever UK National Bingo Day has been officially registered as a national awareness day, taking place each year on 27th June.

National Bingo Day has been celebrated in the United States for a number of years: as Brits love their bingo as much if not more, the UK licensed industry felt that as an enduringly popular leisure pastime that the game deserved a day of celebration in the UK too – the 27th June is consistent with the US date.

Supported and co-ordinated by the Association operators from both retail and online have come together for the first time to celebrate and promote bingo and all it entails: people, friends, community, winners, a good natter and of course bingo! 

Association Chief Executive Miles Baron said, “National Bingo Day will celebrate all the elements of bingo – fun, entertainment and a sense of togetherness. We want everyone to be part of it and with the easing of restrictions after lockdown everyone is in need of some safe fun: what better way to celebrate than playing the great game of bingo.”

To provide a visual identity for National Bingo Day a logo and official badge have been created, supported by a full corporate identity that delivers visual impact and cut-through: essential in the vibrant bingo and online arenas. The identity has been applied to a website for the day and a range of promotional materials available to supporters

To find out more about National Bingo Day, or get involved, visit: www.nationalbingoday.co.uk

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